Archive for investing

One Thing Every Self-Directed Investor Must Do – Part Two

If you have the knowledge, time and desire you absolutely should have a self directed portfolio.  The savings in fees alone will more than justify the added commitment required.

In my last article I discussed why every self-directed investor needed a portfolio business plan. As we age, the plan needs to age with us. Many of us have family disinterested in being responsible for active portfolio management. Presented is the simple passive management that can serve my wife and family. My last […]

Retirement Strategy: No, The World Is Not Sinking, But You’d Better Look Down

Risk is up.  The world is not ending.  It is certainly time to (re)evaluate your positions and and tolerance for risk.

The confluence of events both economic and political put the markets at a higher level of risk. Dividend growth investors MUST check their guts, their risk tolerance level, as well as the stocks invested in. Panic selling is NOT a strategy that will help. I do not want to sound like a broken […]

Plan For The Worst

Though we may not know when, a market never goes in a straight line.  Plan accordingly…

Currently, things could not be better. Stocks are hitting all-time highs. Confidence is at record levels, and investors are “all in.” But maybe it is just for those reasons that we should take a pause. Records are records for a reason. Every strongly trending bull market throughout history has ended, usually very abruptly and […]